What is Love?

It's butterflies in your belly, but slightly heavier,

A silent flutter, a gentle throb, a sense so peculiar.

If love were a number, it'd be an odd one,


Divided, it's never clean, there's always something left, a reminder here.

Like an echo that lingers, a ghost unseen,

A part of you left in spaces you've been.

Why do we squeeze it into one word - "love"?

When it's a myriad, a myriad of complex emotions, the opposite of cold.

Isn't it giving myself to you, sharing my soul,

But when you left, I felt strangely whole.

Why call it a "break-up" then, if I'm still intact?

Am I too cold, or is it love that I lack?

If love was a color, it wouldn't be red,

Too visible, too blatant, too quickly read.

Neither would it be blue, cool as a breeze,

Love is a flame, not meant to freeze.

Yellow, too simple, green, too wide,

A color to match love's turbulent tide?

Orange, perhaps, a blend of two extremes,

A concoction of passion, and tranquil dreams.

A fusion of hues in a world gone grey,

Isn't that what love's like, at end of day?

I may not know love, as some do claim,

Yet in its mystery, I find no shame.

But why box love in numbers or colors,

When it's free, bright, and wild, unlike any other?

So here's to love, odd and orange -  undefinable,

An emotion so vast, so unconfined - undeniable.

A force that surprises, disrupts and reforms - unexplainable

In the end, there is only one word that can explain love - Love.